Paolo Archila
Attorney and Notary Public

Paolo Archila is an attorney and notary public, a graduate from Universidad de San Carlos School of Law (Guatemala), who also studied arbitration and digital communication. Since 2013, he's been working in commercial arbitration, trademarks, copyright and patent law cases.
Intellectual property, like all areas of law, has been greatly affected by the technological advances of recent times. The Internet, information and communication technologies and other disruptive technologies have transformed the essential concepts on which copyright and related rights are based and created a new way to protect those rights: e. g. notice and takedown. Which brings 3 major challenges and opportunities for copyright in digital environments.
The first requires understanding the environment in which new types of works and creations arise. The second is due to the exponential increase in conflicts or disputes that arise in cyberspace. The third raises the need to provide an adequate and efficient dispute resolution mechanism to most of these disputes that arise in the notice and takedown process.
In this sense, Kleros can be an ideal choice to know the cases related to the massive notice and takedown mechanism of copyright and related rights that occur on almost all platforms, sites and applications; and thus complement this procedure by providing it with certainty and security in favor of authors and creators of digital works.