Diana Itzel Santana Galindo

Diana I. Santana G. is a Mexican attorney graduated from Universidad Panamericana. She also holds an LLM in Comparative and International Dispute Resolution at Queen Mary's University of London. She has experience in different arbitration institutions such as the Korean Commercial Arbitration Board (KCAB International), the Beijing Arbitration Commission (BAC/BIAC), and the Hong Kong International Arbitration Centre (HKIAC).
New, challenging issues have arisen from the present technological-era within e-commerce disputes, specifically regarding establishing localization of the jurisdictions involved and laws. Contemporary trade involves a large amount of daily purchase-sales that brings a bigger flow of data and therefore, more difficulty in establishing locality.
Within Kleros, the attempt to localize the issues mentioned above can generate greater disadvantages for the speed that e-commerce requires. Hence, this research will analyze the advantages and disadvantages of delocalizing Kleros Justice as an alternative in the context of online international arbitration, in order to protect the effectiveness and validity of an arbitration agreement.